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Friday, January 4, 2013

【紐約・飲】心目中的第一:Oren's Roast

Oren's Daily Roast在紐約總共有九家分店,我自己最常去的是在NYU旁邊的超級小店面。因為就在校區內,所以門外經常大排長龍。我自己是每次只要在上課前還有五分鐘的時間,一定會去光顧,等待一杯好咖啡來提神醒腦。

Oren's Daily Roast has 9 branches in NYC. The super small chain next to NYU was the one I used to go to all the time. There was always a huge line because it was really close to school. I would definitely go get a cup of good coffee to wake myself up if I got 5 minutes before classes.

店裡沒有座位,沒有花俏的拉花,但是有和臉一樣大的餅乾,有巧克力、燕麥和花生醬等不同口味,還有每日新鮮烘焙的藍莓馬芬以及來自Balthazar Bakery(紐約市一間有名的麵包店)的全麥可頌,搭配我的固定Order拿鐵(latte),是很棒的點心選擇。

There were no seats, no fancy latte art on their coffee, but they got gigantic cookies in assorted flavors including chocolate chips, oatmeal, peanut butter ... They are as big as my face! They also have freshly baked blueberry muffin and whole wheat croissant from the famous Balthazar Bakery. It's a perfect combination with my regular latte.

有些地方做的拿鐵經常奶味太重,但是Oren's剛好相反,有著濃郁的咖啡香。通常店員也都會親切地詢問要加哪種牛奶,我個人喜歡全脂。用soy milk時,奶的味道會太重,蓋過了咖啡味。除了先做的咖啡之外店內也有十來種的咖啡豆供客人挑選,每天也都會用不同的咖啡豆來現磨他們的黑咖啡,每天都有新鮮感。

Some places often have their coffee way too milky, but Oren's is the opposite. You could taste the coffee in their latte very well. I always go for whole milk whenever their baristas ask me which kind of milk I would like. In my opinion, soy milk would override the taste of the coffee. Besides freshly made coffee, they also have dozens of selected coffee beans for customers to choose from. They also use a different kind of coffee bean each day to brew their Americano, so there's something new every day.

是說還有會員卡,就可以知道我有多常去了 ...
I even had a membership card with $ stored inside, so you could tell how often I was there ...

這陣子光顧很多不同的咖啡店,發現很多獨立咖啡店都只有one size。也許因為是連鎖經營的關係,Oren's有大中小的選擇。雖然飲品選擇沒有比星x克多,可是我個人覺得Oren's除了咖啡之外的飲品不會像星x克一樣死甜。譬如說他們的chai tea latte茶味非常重,還是用蜂蜜來提味的,深得像我這種喜歡「原味」的顧客的心!

I visited many coffee shops and have discovered that many independent ones only have drinks came in one size. Maybe it's because Oren's is a chain, so you get to pick your size. Although you don't get many choices of drink as you do at Starbucks, their flavored drinks weren't as sweet. For example, you could actually taste the chai in their chai tea latte, and they use honey as sweetener! If you are in love with tasting things in its original flavor, this is the place to go.


In short, if you just want a coffee-to-go when you are in SOHO or east village, Oren's is a good place to start. You can get discount if you bring your own cup!

後記 (Aug. 3, 2013):

在NYU旁邊的Oren's (也就是我介紹的這一家) 在四月底還是五月左右就已經搬到第一張照片左手邊的大店面了!雖然很替他們開心,客人也不用再站在門外大排長龍,但店員說還是想念以前小店大家擠在小櫃台的親密時光,現在大家都站很遠....。店內除了咖啡之外也有販售別的冷飲及Yogurt, 更有我愛的Doughnut Plant的甜甜圈,每次去口味都不一樣啊~

Note in Aug. 3, 2013:

This place has moved next door to a bigger space in the end of April/May. Although I am really happy that we no longer have to wait in line outside, but the baristas said they still miss the crowdedness in front of their old bar. Now everyone stood pretty far away ... Aside from coffee, they also have other cold drinks and fresh Yogurt. They even got Doughnuts from my favorite Doughnut Plant, and there were different flavors delivered to the front every day :D


Location: 31 Waverly Place, New York, NY 10003


Facebook Page: 九萬流浪的理由

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